Update Plan - PrePaid

Follow these simple steps to manage your account through myaccount.boom.us:

  1. Login and Navigate:

    • Access your online account at myaccount.boom.us.
    • Once logged in, you'll find a set of links at the top of the page. Click on "Accounts."
  2. Choose Account for Update:

    • If you have multiple accounts linked to your email, they will be displayed. Click on the eye icon next to the desired account you wish to update.
  3. Access Account Details:

    • You'll be directed to the customer account page, where you can view account information and usage details.
  4. Renew Your Plan:

    • Click on the "Renew Plan" button, and a pop-up box will appear.
    • If you have auto-payment set up or a saved payment card, it will appear under "Saved Payment Profile." If not, click on the Green Plus sign to add a card for a one-time payment.
  5. Select and Confirm Plan:

    • Choose the option to either stack this plan for future activation or start the plan immediately. Your current plan will be automatically pre-selected.
    • Note: "Stack this plan" will initiate the purchase on the day after your current plan's last day. "Start this plan now" will forfeit any remaining days in your current plan and start the new plan immediately.(Mostly used to restart data if out)
  6. Complete Purchase:

    • Once you've made your selection, click "Pay" to purchase the chosen plan. If you're transitioning to a new plan, scroll through the list and make your selection.
  7. Confirmation and Support:

    • The page will reload, and the general tab will update with the current date and a message indicating if the payment succeeded or failed.

If you encounter any challenges or have inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at 888-869-1141, Monday to Friday, between 8 AM to 5 PM CST. We're here to assist you every step of the way